Halloween costumes, candy and more!

Gift Card Granny conducted a survey to determine how many users plan on participating in Halloween this year. More than 2,776 US-based consumers who have visited www.giftcardgranny.com provided responses. We asked users about their candy budget, costume preference, and favorite Halloween treats. Keep reading to find out the results of our Halloween Survey 2019.

Treats over tricks

We asked Granny users the following questions:

How much do you plan to spend on Halloween candy this year?

Based on the feedback we received, most users plan on spending anywhere between $11 - $35 on candy for trick or treaters in the neighborhood, or themselves. I mean really, who can resist those pumpkin shaped chocolate goodies.

Which do you prefer? Candy Corn vs. Candy Apple?

While these treats are offered year-round, most people only get a craving for candy apples or candy corn during the month of October. This was a close one. 37% of users voted for candy apples while 34% said they prefer candy corn.

Halloween outfits, yay or nay?

The most popular part of Halloween is dressing up. Costume options range from sweet to spooky and everything in-between.

Do you plan to dress up for Halloween this year?

The results for this were a close one as well. There was a slim margin between Yes and No. 42.40% said they were not dressing up this year and 34.80% said they were. 22.80% were undecided.

Did you dress up for Halloween last year?

Over 60% of users admitted to not dressing up last year while almost 38% decided to dress up.


Thanks to all of the Granny users who participated.

Just remember, it’s not too late to get into the Halloween spirit! For an affordable, quick costume, visit a thrift store or see what Target and Walmart have to offer. If you’re handy with a needle and thread, visit Michael’s or Jo Ann for patterns and fabric. Check out our tips on how to save money on candy. Lastly, do yourself a favor and take the time to enjoy some candy corn or a candy apple.